Develop your skills and competency as a coach while building your business from the inside out. Your coaching business will be successful because of who you are and what you have to offer. You need both! Soul Designs offers mentor coaching to help you achieve all you desire in your coaching business as well as any level of certification you might be working toward. We have created a course that will ensure you are coaching from your core, solid in your strengths and have tools to bring more ease and impact to your coaching so both you and your clients can achieve more together. Remember, if you are working too hard, you are not coaching!
Lerae has been mentoring coaches since 2000. Whether you are just starting down the path of coach training or working towards mastery, Lerae will provide mentorship that is aligned with the international coach federation and will help you to be successful at any level of certification. Lerae believes that it is essential to grow yourself along with your coaching skills. She will help you attain your ten hours of mentor coaching for certification or do a deep dive with you into your personal, skill and practice development.
Lerae is a member of the Coach U/Corporate Coach U Faculty, an Assessor for Coach U, is a Professional Mentor Coach and has completed the ICF Assessor Training in 2018. You are in good hands.

At Soul Designs, we believe that if you're working too hard, you're not coaching. Join us and earn 10 CCEU's while learning to coach with greater impact and ease. This 4-week video conference based course will introduce you to the COACH ME coaching conversation model and will show you how to create ....
Join Mentor Coach and owner of Soul Designs Coaching, Lerae Gidyk, for a dynamic group mentor coaching experience. What started out as group supervision for coaches has morphed into an efficient, effective, community and skill building way of acquiring the majority of your required mentor coaching hours...
Every coach who applies for accreditation with the International Coaching Federation will have to complete a three hour multiple choice exam called the Coaching Knowledge Skills Assessment (CKA). In support of coaches preparing for accreditation, Soul Designs offers a 90min…